
alki sunset 2-25-2018-7464-2 bump vibrance less gold less dark 12x24.jpg
alki sunset 2-25-2018-7464-2 bump vibrance less gold less dark 12x24.jpg


from $95.00

This moody image is made possible by luck or fate. On this evening I was across town shooting when a storm came in. It was hailing and raining which ended the shoot there. But as I examined the sky it was not yet raining downtown. I knew from living on Alki that with these weather conditions I might get a rainbow over the city. So I hauled ass over to Alki and shot the skyline.

Well, my rainbow didn’t appear and I walked away with out the shot. But for some reason I turned around and in those two minutes, the light changed completely to the view you see here.

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